Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Putting Away The Things of Summer

If we work upon marble, it will perish;
if in brass, time will efface it;
if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust;
but if we work upon young minds and imbue them with principles,
and the just fear of God and love for our fellow man,
we engrave on those tablets something
that will continue to brighten to all eternity.

All across “CBA land” students are preparing to put away the “things of summer” and are about to take pencils in hand and books to the kitchen table as the adventure of learning begins afresh. We at CBA are thrilled and honored to be working and learning together with such wonderful students and their families. 2011- 12 promises to be a school year filled with new challenges and opportunities. We can be sure that each moment and event is planned and orchestrated by a loving creator for our growth. In 2 Chronicles 16:9 the Lord reminds us that His “eyes move to and fro throughout the whole earth” and promises that He will “strongly support those whose hearts are completely His.” Imagine God’s constant attention and strong support for you and your family as you take up the task of teaching and training productive servants and Christ-followers for the next generation. As we begin a new year together it is our prayer that we all will continue to grow in the knowledge of His ways and the confidence of His strong support.

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